Earthships: Lessons from European Pioneers
Mischa Hewitt and Kevin Telfer the authors of Earthships: building a zero carbon future, have been commissioned to write a second edition.
The first book was published in 2007 and since that time there have been lots of developments, including a number of earthships built across Europe with substantial data collection taking place to evaluate the true performance of these buildings.
The working title for the new book is: Earthships: Lessons from European Pioneers. There are a number of key questions we plan to pose and answer. Perhaps most significantly, we ask whether the earthship concept, extensively trialed in the dry hot/cold climate of New Mexico has translated effectively into different European climates. Also we will discuss whether earthships really do deliver on the dream they promise -- a low-cost, low carbon, self-sufficient home.
We plan to look in detail at a number of different European builds and ask what the future of earthships is in Europe. If you have a project that you would like to include then please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.