Flint Knapping course
This is a two-day course run at Earthship Brighton and other venues in Stanmer Park in partnership with Brighton Permaculture Trust.
Flint is a plentiful local natural material that can be collected with little energy or pollution. Lime manufacture uses less energy than cement and is flexible, allowing settling and is also breathable. Lime mortar naturally degrades and can even be reused. Old walls can be restored and maintained to last many centuries with little additional use of materials.
This course is of interest to architects, planners, builders and engineers, as well anyone thinking about repairing/building their own wall. It is suitable for beginners to those who are experienced with eco-building and want to learn more.
The course will cover flint building, its history, types of flint and various styles of construction. Practical workshops cover flint knapping, how to mix lime mortar, repairing flint walls and pointing. By the end of the course, participants will understand the basics of building or repairing flint walls as well as having some hands-on experience.
The course is led by David Smith who set up up The Flintman Company 25 years ago and has been working fulltime with flint ever since. His training work includes work with architects, planners, builders and DIY enthusiasts.
To see details of the course and book a place click here.