Map & directions

Directions to Stanmer Park
Click here for a map to Stanmer Park.
When you get to Stanmer Park:
It is about a mile from the entrance of the park to Earthship Brighton. Cycle/walk/drive up the main road through the middle of the park.
Directions from Stanmer House to Earthship Brighton
- Go left at 'T' junction before the church
- Drive to Stanmer Park Nurseries and park in front of it
- Walk through big double gates next to the nurseries, following the sign to Stanmer Organics
- Walk up the road, it curves round the right, for about 300m
- Turn left though a five-bar farmer's gate. This may be locked but it is easy to walk around. You should pass the Stanmer Organics sign on your left.
- Walk 250m down the track - Earthship Brighton is the last plot on the right.
If you have any questions or would like to book a tour then please contact us.