Public tours schedule

Regular public tours of Earthship Brighton are held on some weekends. The meeting point is outside Stanmer House - the full address is below.  Please check the schedule and meeting times carefully. The tour lasts between 1 and 1.5 hours. 

Very occasionally we may have to cancel a public tour due to bad weather or staff sickness.  If you are planning on traveling for a tour, please check this page regularly in case we have to make a last minute cancellation.

The charge for individuals on our regular tours is £5 per person and children are welcome.  Please pay cash at the time of the tour.  Children under 10 attend for free.  Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome.

Public tours dates

The dates for the next public tours are:

  • Sunday 13th April at 1045
  • Sunday 18th May at 1045
  • Sunday 8th June at 1045
  • Sunday 13th July at 1045
  • Sunday 10th August at 1045
  • Sunday 14th September at 1045
  • Sunday 12th October at 1045
  • Sunday 9th November at 1045
  • Sunday 14th December at 1045

Please note that latecomers will not be able to join the tour once it has moved off, though at the weekend the tour will wait up to 10 minutes for the arrival of the number 78 bus if it is late. The tour will involve a walk of around 1 mile (round trip) however people with mobility issues can take cars right up to to the building and Earthship Brighton itself is fully accessible by all.

Public tours meeting point

The address of the meeting point for our public tours is:

Stanmer House
Stanmer Park
East Sussex

Group tours

These are the dates when regular tours are arranged. If they are not convenient you might like to book a private tour.

If you have any questions then please contact us.